Elyria, Ohio does NOT have  a LEGAL "public"  library  !  


The library pictured here is a "private library association".   Ohio's Attorney General has determined it is NOT a "public library"

"....the term "public library" is understood to mean a library which is free and open to all and is established and maintained by law, administered by trustees whose offices are created by law and whose powers and duties are defined by law."

"....that such library must have been established pursuant to the statutes providing for the establishment of public libraries and that the management and control thereof, the appointment, the powers and duties of the trustees must be provided for by law."

 This private Elyria Library* does NOT meet ANY of the above requirements to call itself a "public library".   As part of its master plan to defraud taxpayers, it recruits trustees from honest and unwary citizens who have been intentionally misinformed.   While most of these trustees believe they are performing a civic duty they are, in fact, aiding and abetting Lorain County's organized corruption..   The "booster" group  "Friends of the Library" labor under this same misconception.      (*Legal name) 

All laws pertaining to PUBLIC libraries in Ohio will be found in Chapter 3375 of Ohio's Revised Code. There is nothing included in these laws that pertain to a PRIVATE association library such as the one in Elyria. 

LAGRANGE!  HELLO!  ATTENTION & BEWARE!  This PRIVATE Elyria Library is a tool being used by Lorain County's organized corruption to expand its influence to the Village of Lagrange.  In order to obtain a share of some state funding the Elyria Library has agreed to serve ALL of Lorain County. These same laws forbid the Elyria Library from making any contract with any taxing district within the same county for the purpose to provide "service" to them.  According to the laws which will be published on this page,   THERE IS NO LAW IN THE U.S.  ALLOWING TAXPAYERS MONEY BE SPENT TO ERECT A BUILDING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!

Open Letter To The  "Director"                                                                Library  Laws of Ohio